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New Jazz Improvisation Course Available Online!

Marek Tomaszewski

For couple of weeks, I've been working on a Jazz Improvisation Course. It's available through UDEMY here. The course has 25 lectures and explains in a clearpractical and concise way how to improve and develop your Jazz Improvisation.

The course is for all instruments with demonstration on the saxophone. 



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    How to put the Saxophone Together

    Marek Tomaszewski

    Saxophone consists of three main elements:


    Saxophone Mouthpiece consists of the reed, the ligature, the main mouthpiece part and the cap.


    Saxophone Neck

    Main Body

    Saxophone Body

    In order to put the saxophone together we need to connect the neck with the main body first:

    1. Connect main body with the neck.

    Once connected you can seal the little screw on the side, so that the neck won't move.


    2. Add the mouthpiece on top of the saxophone neck.

    If you liked this post, then you might be interested in a video version of it. Just click below and enjoy!