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United Kingdom

Saxophone Lessons in London

Book your saxophone lesson in London, Milton Keynes or Kempston area here. All Levels, all ages and zones welcome. You can also book your sax lesson through skype here.


Home Lessons

Fees for lessons are £50 for a trial lesson, then £60 for single 60 minutes of tuition. However, if a student books a block of at least 4 lessons then the price for an hour drops to £50 for 60 minutes.

Trial Lesson Bookings – £50/h

Single Bookings – £60/h

Block of 4 Lessons Bookings - £200 - (4x£50)

Block of 8 Lessons Bookings – £400 (8x£50)

My lesson times are structured to suit the individual and available in 60 minutes lessons, or as required by the student. Lesson frequency is again, as requested by the student, for instance, weekly or fortnightly lessons. They take place at the student's home or can be arranged at an alternative site.


Skype online lessons

One of the most convenient ways of having a saxophone lesson is setting up a meeting through Skype. That form of lesson is very popular around the world and there is no difference between a normal one-to-one lesson and online.

Online Skype Trial Lesson Bookings – £45/h

Online Skype Single Bookings – £50/h

Online Skype Block of 4 Lessons Bookings – £180 (4x£45/h)

Preparation For Grades

Saxophone (Jazz and Classical) – Grades 1-8.

Clarinet  – Grades 1-8.

Music Theory – Grades 1-8